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The success of innovation policy defines Finland’s fate

The added value of the food sector can grow significantly, if things are done right

Legislation must keep up as technological development shapes labor markets

Finland can become an AI country if things are done right

From downturn to upswing? Positive outlook for deep tech companies

Finland could be a global economic hub that other countries look up to, if things are done correctly

Finland can be a leader in innovation and sustainable solutions, if things are done correctly

Finland can reclaim its position as the top country in education, if things are done correctly

Finland can be a Pioneer in Solving the Climate Crisis and Biodiversity Loss, and  a strong economic support pillar formed by Sustainable Development companies – If things are done correctly

Meet the founder: Anssi Pakkanen leads ValueMatcher, which aims to solve the matching problem in recruitment

Technology and artificial intelligence reduce the need for physical visits in home care, supporting with medication, meals, and household chores, if things are done correctly

Finnish expertise, branding, and especially reliability are a perfect fit for the space industry

Finland will be known worldwide as a developer of smart cities, clean energy, and advanced health technology, if things are done correctly

In the future Finland will be able to utilize the potential of international companies as part of solving social challenges, if things are done correctly

Healthcare can transform from a cost item into a business that supports the economy, if things are done correctly

The Biggest Problems will  Be Solved with Technology  and Good Policies

3 Common Psychological Struggles of a Startup Founder (And Why They’re the Elephant in the Room)

Message from the President of the Republic of Finland to Finnish Startup Community