Message from the President of the Republic of Finland to our Community

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Ladies and Gentlemen, Startup Community,
Today, 6 May 2022, the first Startup Gala is being held. The Finnish Startup Community has brought together more than a hundred bold entrepreneurs and investors. The value of such a community may be exceeding high, when one considers the importance of the growth business field for Finland.

Entrepreneurship requires courage, persistence and dedication. Entrepreneurship also provides much, not only to the entrepreneur, but also to society. Even in challenging times,  persistence and new ideas take us forward.

The pandemic period has presented its own challenges to entrepreneurship. Despite the difficulties of recent years, however, the sales revenue of companies representing the  Startup Community has grown alongside other large export sectors. This is no small achievement. Finnish growth companies are a major creator of wellbeing.

The Finnish Startup Community was founded in 2021. The community is doing exemplary work for the good of Finnish entrepreneurship and startup culture. Your activities have a  wide impact both nationally and internationally. As Finns, we can be proud of your work and the reputation of Finnish startup entrepreneurship.

I wish everyone participating in the Startup Gala a rewarding event, and success to the members of the Finnish Startup Community!

Sauli Niinistö

President of the Republic of Finland